Storage of Genes in Plant Science


Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology is handling volume:8, issue:4, 2020. Journal is focused on articles related to Plant Biosystems, Plant Ecology, Plant production science, Plant signaling & behavior, bacteriology,  nematology, plant neurobiology.

The specific differences in the regeneration potential of different organs and explants have various explanations. The significant factors include differences in the stage of the cells in the cell cycle, the availability of or ability to transport endogenous growth regulators, and the metabolic capabilities of the cells. The most commonly used tissue explants are the meristematic ends of the plants like the stem tip, axillary bud tip and root tip. These tissues have high rates of cell division and either concentrate or produce required growth-regulating substances including auxins and cytokinins.

Shoot regeneration efficiency in tissue culture is usually a quantitative trait that often varies between plant species and within a plant species among subspecies, varieties, cultivars, or ecotypes. Therefore, tissue culture regeneration can become complicated especially when many regeneration procedures have to be developed for different genotypes within the same species.

Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology is focusing on releasing articles volume:8, Issue:3. Manuscripts can be submitted through online link

Thanks & Regards
Joseph Marreddy
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Physiology
WhatsApp: +3225889658